Cardiac arrest and stroke incidents in the workplace along with work-related accidents are among the leading causes of death and disability and the most expensive medical conditions to bear for business establishments in general. Fortunately, employers can take initiative in instituting their own workplace safety measures that will help them keep their workforce stay healthy and productive as well as lower their insurance premiums, worker’s compensation claims and other direct and indirect health care costs. These measures may include the following:
1. A sufficient number of employees should be made to undergo formal CPR training and regular re-training. Provide them access to a nationally-recognized training course such as that offered by Oceanside CPR. With timely CPR intervention, death and disability in the workplace resulting from heart attacks and accidents may be kept in check and prevented from getting worse. In addition, AED devices should be placed in easy to reach sections of the work stations. According to the American Heart Association, at least 20,000 lives could be saved each year through prompt use of these portable electronic machines. Also, keep an adequate stock of medical and first aid supplies in the workplace at all times.
2. See to it that the workplace is at all times safe and secure. Minimize the risk of accidental electrocution by ensuring that all electrical connections and potentially dangerous electrical equipment are always in good condition and out of the way of the employees. Minimize the risk of accidental suffocation or asphyxiation by ensuring that there is adequate ventilation in every work station. Minimize the risk of slip-and-fall accidents by protecting entryways with matting that can keep water, dirt and debris outside from getting inside the workplace. Keep the workplace clean of contaminants and hazardous substances. Conduct frequent routine workplace safety and security inspections, including on precautions for fire safety and escape routes.
3. Institute health improvement plans and programs for the workers such as free or subsidized lifestyle counseling for those who are dealing with obesity problems, addictions and other related health-risk issues. Business establishments may also provide in-house exercise and fitness facilities, or subsidize the cost of membership in external gyms and private fitness clubs. They can likewise arrange that only healthy foods and drinks will be sold and served within the workplace premises. They should make blood pressure monitoring devices available for use by their employees any time they feel they want. It would help if they can also encourage them to take the stairs or even to walk to and from the workplace as often as possible. They could develop and cultivate a health and safety culture in the workplace among the employees by encouraging them with rewards or incentives for submitting doable, inexpensive health and safety suggestions.
Business establishments would do well to remember that managing health and safety in the workplace is not just about social responsibility or about complying with state and federal labor laws. Doing so will reduce their cost as well as increase their overall efficiency. Doing so makes perfect business sense.